What to Plant in March – Growing Your Own Vegetables

8 years ago

If you are new to vegetable growing, you may well be wondering what you can safely plant or sow in…

Gardening Trends for 2017

8 years ago

Enter the new year with new ideas for your garden. Ensure you stand out and stay in style by planning…

4 Outdoor Heaters We Love This Winter

8 years ago

Winter has hit hard, with temperatures plummeting throughout the country and snow coating the gardens of many homes. You may…

Which Tulips Should You Be Planting?

8 years ago

For tulip lovers, this is the most important time of the year. Though they won’t flower until spring, now is…

How You Can Help Save The Hedgehog Population

8 years ago

The number of hedgehogs spotted in English gardens has been steadily declining over the last few years. A study undertaken…

Why Young People Haven’t Lost Interest In Gardening

8 years ago

You may have come across an article in the past week featuring results from a survey about young people’s attitudes…

Autumn Gardening

8 years ago

It is now officially Autumn, and that means your garden is about to go through more changes than the Great…

3 crazy gardening stories from last month.

8 years ago

OK, so your hydrangeas are wilting and next door’s dog has destroyed your vegetable garden. At least you’re not facing…

Competition Closed: The Great G&H Bake-Off

9 years ago

Our GBBO competition is now closed, and we're pleased to announce that it gave us a lot of food for…

September Gardening Tips

9 years ago

September is an important time for gardeners, with the transition from Summer to Autumn becoming crucial for deciding how you…