grow vegetables

What to Plant in March – Growing Your Own Vegetables

If you are new to vegetable growing, you may well be wondering what you can safely plant or sow in March. What you can plant in March (or sow, for that matter) depends a great deal on where you intend to sow/plant your vegetables. To make things a little easier, we have split what to plant in March into groups based on location for you.

outdoor heating

4 Outdoor Heaters We Love This Winter

Winter has hit hard, with temperatures plummeting throughout the country and snow coating the gardens of many homes. You may have put away the gardening tools for the year, but there’s still plenty of beauty to be enjoyed in nature at this time of year, and adding a bit of heat can help you stretch out those al fresco evenings a little longer.

These are our favourite devices for delivering some extra warmth outdoors.


Which Tulips Should You Be Planting?

For tulip lovers, this is the most important time of the year. Though they won’t flower until spring, now is the time to start planting. But with over 150 species and over 3000 varieties, how can you decide which tulips are right for your garden?

Below are some of the leading types of tulip plants that will bring a stunning mix of colour to your flowerbeds. Let us know if you’ve grown any of these types, or if you have any other recommendations for beautiful tulip variations.

hedgehogs feature

How You Can Help Save The Hedgehog Population

The number of hedgehogs spotted in English gardens has been steadily declining over the last few years. A study undertaken in 2015 by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society shows that the urban hedgehog population has declined by a third since 2000, and the countryside population by up to three quarters.

young gardeners

Why Young People Haven’t Lost Interest In Gardening

You may have come across an article in the past week featuring results from a survey about young people’s attitudes towards gardening. The enlightening data showed that the nation’s youth’s most loved gardening program was “Gardener’s World”, which stormed ahead of the timeless classic “Can’t Remember The Name” in second place. And, only 7% had been encouraged to seek a career in horticulture, even though 79% had experience growing a plant!

BakingComp Closed Banner

Competition Closed: The Great G&H Bake-Off

Our GBBO competition is now closed, and we’re pleased to announce that it gave us a lot of food for thought in picking our winners. We really saw some absolute masterpieces from our entrants, as well as some things which we wish we could forget, so we think the competition was a resounding success! As much as we had plenty of works of art and god-awful disasters submitted, there can only be a handful of winners!

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